Want Your Parents to Live Longer? Spend Time With Them!

Want to keep your parents and grandparents around for as long as possible? Spend more time with them! Research has shown that loneliness takes a toll on older folks. In fact, the University of California San Francisco did a study and found that people who aren’t lonely live longer, too.

In a study with over 1,600 adults with an average age of 71, researchers found that the lonely ones had consistently higher mortality rates. This is true regardless of socioeconomic status and health. Nearly 23% of lonely participants died within six years of the study, compared to 14% of folks who say they had adequate companionship.

Although many older family members may not like the idea of moving into that assisted living home at first, it does provide more opportunities for socialization and makes people feel more connected to community. Both of these could ultimately help keep her around longer.

More info on the study here.

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