Aging Cheese to Music Enhances Flavor

If you love cheese and hip-hop like I do, you're going to LOVE this!

Scientists have been testing music with aging cheese. They've found that certain styles of music affect the aging process and playing hip-hop music while aging cheese results in it having the ‘funkiest’ flavor.

According to a study conducted by a Swiss cheesemaker, playing music during the aging process of cheese resulted in certain taste characteristics. Hip-hop music made the cheese taste ‘funky’, while cheese that rocked out to Led Zeppelin or with Mozart had more mild zests. 

Songs included Led Zep’s ‘Stairway to Heaven’ for the ‘rock cheese’, Vril’s ‘UV’ for the techno fromage, A Tribe Called Quest‘s ‘Jazz (We’ve Got)’ for the ‘hip-hop cheese’ and the ‘classical cheese’ mellowed out to the sounds of Mozart’s ‘The Magic Flute’.

Music and cheese.......say no more! I'm in! - Meredith Michaels

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